Jesus Christ Apostolic Ministries International
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
My God CAN!
Mood:  on fire
Topic: My God Can!!


 Pastor: John Neal 

Psa. 78: 41 “Yea, they turned back and tested God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.” Why do people place limitation on the Lord?  Many times limitations are placed on the Lord without realizing what they are doing, by the words that come out of our mouth, by their thoughts; by the way, they act.  People place limitations on the one that has no limitations.  Heaven is His throne, Earth is His footstool, He created everything our eyes survey.  He is God in the book of Genesis, He is God in Revelation.  He is God in the Beginning; He will still be God in the end.  God can do anything but fail.  To God, nothing is impossible. Even though the children of Israel are God’s chosen people, they were stubborn and rebellious, just like we are today, and in their unbelief spoke against God, questioning God’s ability,  “Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?”  There is nothing that my God cannot do.  My God can.  I place no limitation on the Lord; He can do far above what I may think He can do. At the Red Sea, the children of Israel were caught between Pharaoh’s army, and the Red Sea.  They complained to Moses, why did you bring us out of Egypt just to be slained in this wilderness?   Moses said to them, “Stand still and see the Salvation of the Lord.”  The children of Israel put limitation on God even after all the wonders and miracles they seen in Egypt.  Nevertheless, God parted the water and the children of Israel walked across on dry land.  Because my God can do anything. The people asked Moses, “Can God feed this great multitude of people out here in the wilderness?  My God can.  Can God bring water out of a rock?  Who ever heard of such a thing as this?  However, my God can, for Jesus is that Rock.  Who is it that can walk on the water?  Nobody but Jesus.  Who is He that can still the wind and calm the raging sea?  My God Can.  What manner of man is this?The God of Moses, Abraham, Jacob, Isaac, David and the others, I want to remind people, He is also our God.  That same God can reach down, and lift you out of the miry pits of sin that we have sunk into, and place your feet upon that solid rock.  You may ask who would do that for a sinner like me?  My God Can.  He can take your sins and wash you white as snow, because my God can.  When we are sick and the doctors give up on us, who can heal us?  My God Can.  Can this man raise the dead also?  “Lazarus, come forth,”   My God Can.  I am the Resurrection, and the life,” Jesus said.             The Chaldean, Magician, astrologer, could not tell king Nebuchadnezzar the meaning of his dream, but Daniel said, “There is a God in Heaven who revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king, what shall be in the latter days.”  My God can.  “Was thy God able,” king Darius asked of Daniel.  “To deliver thee from the lions?” “Oh, king, live forever, my God was able.”  Daniel said. Just remember, when you are down, my God is able to hold you up.  When the three Hebrew boys were thrown into the fiery furnace, they said unto the king, “Our God, whom we serve, is able to deliver us.”  The king looked into the furnace and said, “Did not we thrown three bound into the fiery furnace?  I see four men, loose and walking down there, and the fourth is like the Son of God.”  My God is able to deliver you from whatever trial you may be going through, for He will be right there in the fire with you.  Do not ever put limitations on God, for there is nothing He cannot do.  Your friends may turn against you.  Members in your church may let you down, but my God is able to hold you up.  Elijah said unto the people, “How long halt ye between two opinions?  If the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him.”  God gives that chose to every man, woman, and child.  Whom will you serve today, God or Satan?      

Posted by J.C.A.M.I. Staff at 10:57 PM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 5 January 2010 10:58 PM CST

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