Jesus Christ Apostolic Ministries International
Friday, 22 September 2006
"Forgotten Soldiers"
Mood:  surprised
Topic: Soldiers

This Is one of the Big issues of our time, but is not heard about much because it is sweep-ed under the rug and hope that it is not seen and heard about. But in this day of "War" and sayings of "Support our troops" it needs to be seen and heard about. This is For the Forgotten Soldiers and the Forgotten Hero's, Not the ones you see or hear about on news, but the ones setting or Lying in your VA Hospital or Living under a Bridge, Maybe in your own home town. These Soldiers are the Forgotten ones, the ones that served at least the Minimal time for there country, They are the ones that have lost a leg or two, a arm or two and in some even there Minds Locked up within them selfs. Some have lost every thing in life and are standing in soup Lines trying to eat, Has our "Loving" country forgotten them? these Forgotten Soldiers,? These Forgotten Hero's? In some cases YES!. They truly Gave there ALL, There Legs for there Country, There Arms For there Country, There Right Minds. Some times the Hero's are not the ones with there "Names Of A Wall" Or "Marker" Just take a walk in the Halls of a VA Hospital and you will and can see a lot of them. My Dad worked there for years and as a child i would see these men who have Lost There "Dignity" to the point of Urinating on a tree out side of the Hospital Not really knowing where they were at or what they were doing. So when we think of Support our troops lets NOT forget these "Forgotten Soldiers" for at one time they were the ones that we were saying Lets "Support" and at one time these Soldiers that we are saying "Support our troops" could be "The Forgotten Soldiers"


Written By and Posted By Bishop Michael Neal

Posted by J.C.A.M.I. Staff at 4:03 PM CDT

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